Caller ID Protection

At Orion, not only do we provide customers with a feature-rich dialing solution, we include the necessary services to ensure your calling campaigns are highly successful. Orion goes the extra step to ensure your calling campaigns are productive and also enhances customer experience (CX) by offering a Caller ID Protection service to keep your calls connected and your agents fully engaged.

Caller ID Protection is a registration service where a client’s outbound phone numbers are vetted and whitelisted by all of the major cell and landline carriers, which guarantees calls will not get labeled as spam or scam likely. Basic whitelisting through the carriers has proven to be an unsuccessful process in preventing caller id spam labels. Orion has leveraged its relationships in the industry to provide you with a 99.9% success rate for clean caller id termination on every phone call. This ensures that when you call out, your numbers show your company name and phone number and not scam likely or potential spam.

Call Orion today to ensure that you have peace of mind with Caller ID Protection, and stop spending call center time, and money when swapping out numbers to stay ahead of spam tagging.

Orion is the premiere dialer service provider that offers this service as a part of their services and ensures your calls connect every time. Orion also provides customers with all the necessary tools and knowledge to stay ahead of carrier algorithms including best practice documentation for dialing campaigns. Orion also has a robust caller id rotation feature that balances the amount of traffic that any given number is exposed to.

Caller ID Protection increases contact rates and comes at affordable costs worked into your monthly plan. Many customers state this increases contact rates by nearly three times, proving to be an economical investment worked into the monthly plan. Orion ensures our customers are not paying for expensive dialing solutions and ensures the accompanying tools and services are included, especially Caller ID Protection.

At Orion, our job doesn’t stop with providing you with a dialing solution,Orion ensures customers have the proper services and tools for success within those dialing solutions. Allowing Orion to manage services for its customers, allows customers to focus on their business objectives and stakeholders rather than managing a dialer system.

Contact Orion today to enhance your success in today’s outbound telemarketing and call center environment.


spam call prevention